Independence Dragon Boat Regatta

Independence Dragon Boat Regatta Logo

Race and Registration details: 

Date: June 7, 2025 
Location: Philadelphia, PA 

Join #TeamNDSS! Please complete the application form with your participant information to be considered for the NDSS Dragon Boat Team. Upon review and acceptance, you will receive the Team NDSS registration link and agreement to the fundraising commitment. You will submit payment of your non-refundable registration fee through the link provided.

Fundraising Commitment

You must meet a minimum fundraising commitment to participate as a Team NDSS team member. 

  • Team NDSS registration fee of $25 per participant 

  • All participants must fundraise a minimum of $550 to paddle with Team NDSS: 

Fundraising Team Benefits

  • Guaranteed Team NDSS Paddle Boat Team
  • Team NDSS team tank and swag
  • A personal fundraising page to help you reach your fundraising goal.
  • Network of teammates to offer support and motivation.
  • Current Personal information
  • Address information
  • Additional information
  • Complete
As a member of the 2025 Team NDSS Dragon Boat team, I agree to meet the minimum fundraising commitment. If I am unable to meet the fundraising commitment for the race, I agree to have my credit card charged by the National Down Syndrome Society. (Credit card authorization is required).