Down Syndrome: Guidelines for Inclusive Education is the first document of its kind in the United States. The document addresses the education settings that support students with Down syndrome, covering the period from early intervention and primary education through secondary and through higher education, with the primary focus being K-12 students.
These guidelines draw on recommendations developed by an expert working group of a United Kingdom All Party Parliamentary Group on Down Syndrome (APPGDS), first published by the APPG in 2012.1 The report is available at:
The National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) and Down Syndrome Education International (DSEI) assembled a working group to adapt the APPGDS recommendations for the U.S. early intervention, preschool and school systems. The Guidelines Working Group includes several members of the NDSS Inclusive Education Task Force, a group of volunteers with a range of expertise and experience, dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with Down syndrome through the promotion of inclusive education.