NDSS Supports the ENABLE Act to Ensure Key Provisions of ABLE Accounts Do Not Expire

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Originally created as a result of the 2014 Stephen Beck Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act, named after former NDSS board member Mr. Stephen Beck Jr., ABLE accounts are an important tool for individuals with disabilities to save money and achieve greater financial independence. In 2025, three provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) that relate to ABLE accounts will expire. These three crucial provisions give qualified beneficiaries the ability to work, earn, and save for their futures and ensure that ABLE accounts provide the strongest possible opportunity to help millions of Americans with disabilities lift themselves out of poverty.

S. 4541, the Ensuring Nationwide Access to A Better Experience (ENABLE) Act, would make three important provisions of ABLE accounts permanent. Without the permanent extension of these provisions, individuals with disabilities would face limited opportunities to save for their independence and futures.

Take action and urge your members of Congress to support the bill using our action alert here.

Read NDSS’s letter of support here.