The Primary Care Provider’s (PCPs) Guide to Women’s Health and Down Syndrome is a comprehensive resource designed to educate PCPs about the nuanced healthcare needs of women with Down syndrome and provide strategies to care for this patient population. Through patient case studies, this resource discusses gynecological care, period hygiene, reproductive health, menstruation management, menopause, osteoporosis, and more. PCPs can access this information through a traditional guidebook or eLearning course.
- View our most recent webinar on the key insights from this guide here.
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The guide and eLearning course was made possible through collaboration with Dr. Hannah Graham of Advocate Health Care, and Kramer Davis Health, with funding support from the WITH Foundation. The American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry and Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group-USA supported the identification of reviewers and contributors.
This resource is designed for PCPs however we strongly encourage families and caregivers to share this guide with their loved one's provider. While families and caregivers may benefit from reading through this resource, the information is not intended to replace medical care.